Student Career Services & Alumni Relations>>About Us

Shaheed Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & TechnologyStudent Career Services & Alumni Relations is committed to assist students with making connections between their academic experience and career paths. We provide career-related counselling, resources, and programs to help individuals clarify academic and career goals, establish career plans, develop job-search skills, and make successful career transitions. We build relationships with alumni, employers, and graduate schools to optimize internship, job, and career opportunities while also creating strategic partnerships with campus departments to assist students in developing and articulating co-curricular experiences that will help to ensure they are competitive in their future pursuits.
Student Career Services & Alumni Relations manages job placement service and connects our students' profiles to a number of prospective employers. Currently we are partnering with more than 600 companies In addition, career talks webinars, resume building workshops, career counselling consultation with top employers ,Mock interview sessions & ZabTalk Sessions are regularly conducted on campus to provide you with quality career support and guidance. In 2020, 95% of our graduates were employed by graduation.
- Other Services Provided:
- Social Media Platforms for job Postings
- Zabtalk With Top Employers
- Webinars With Prominent Alumni
- Corporate Finesse Workshops
- Campus Recruitment Drives
- Mock Interview Arrangements
- Job Matching
- Industrial Liaison
- Internship & Employment Opportunities
- Resume Building Sessions
- Seminars & Workshops
- SZABIST Digital Job Platform